When you register with Total Parts Plus, we will ask for your name, your billing
address, the address for shipment of the order, and your email address. Total Parts Plus and its Agents will protect the information that is gathered on this
site as company confidential. It will not be shared, bartered, or sold to ANY
third party.
We maintain your personal information for statistical purposes to improve our
site for your needs, to offer services, to administer the site, and to
correspond with you. If you wish us to discontinue correspondence with you, we
will terminate the activity upon receipt of email notification.
of Materials that are submitted for review are not provided to other customers
and no data is linked by customer. All
accounts are segmented by unique username/password combination.
When you transact business with Total Parts Plus our goal is to ensure that your
information will be transmitted across the web with the highest degree of
security possible. We use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology, which encrypts
your user name and password and if the subscriber selects to use SSL, all work
performed and information sent via the Internet is encrypted.
Please note: Some corporate firewalls do not support SSL transmissions. If you experience problems when trying to connect using the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), please contact your internet administrator and confirm if your corporate firewall supports SSL.